Monday, March 1, 2010

The Park

Amongst the interesting areas, in my domain, in Second Life, near The Little Shop of Kink, is an area I call "The Park". One can teleport to all the various areas using the teleporter signs. You simply left-click on the destination you want and in a flash (a flash and a half if it is especially laggy) you will be there.

To get from the store to The Park one need not use the teleporter though. The Park is just a short walk from the front of the store. Should you happen to have an RLV relay, and that relay is active, the walk might not be as easy for you, as there are rumored to be various traps here and there throughout the area to capture the unwary.

Here is a view of
The Park.

Here are a few of The Park's more prominent features.
A stout wooden cage.

A stout wooden pillory.

The Mysterious Bondage Beaker (OK, it is actually a Florence Flask but that just doesn't sound as good).

All these and more await those bold (or foolish) enough to wander a bit from the safe confines of the store area.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Directory of The Little Shop of Kink

The shop itself is comprised of two domes which I call Dome 1 and Dome 2. Dome 1 is to the left down a short hallway from the main entry. In Dome 1 you will find the following, counterclockwise, from the first room to the left as you enter the dome.

Room #1
Monica's Jewells
HtF Designs

Room #2
Eclectic Randomness
Mad Science
Toy's Toys

Room #3
Real Restraint
Real Restraint Updater

Room #4
KCreations freebie Latex

Room #5

Room #6
Bondage Witch Project
AE Designs
Impact by Illyria

Room #7
Scientific Revolution

In Dome 2 you will find the following, counterclockwise, from the first room to the left as you enter the dome.

Room #1
Just Kinki

Room #2
Mars Productions

Room #3
Sweet Torments
Secret Passion
Doll Life
The Doll Project

Room #4
Chorazin Creations

Room #5
Sin Labs

Room #6
Restrained Freedom

Room #7
Evil Kitten
Dreams of Devotion

The hallway between the two domes contains a "Guide to Zindra" kiosk, a Landmark giver, a donations globe, a Silversmith Publications magazine rack, Anthemion Kiosk, Teleporter signs for Club Tesseract and The D' Urberville Gallery and finally Little Miss Houdini, a graphic storybook by Daisy Rimbaud.

In later posts I will cover each merchant and feature some of their gear in use. I will also cover the other interesting attractions of my corner of Lineside.


The Little Shop of Kink Introduction

The Little Shop of Kink is my little piece of commercial Second Life. It is a shop in the Northwest corner of the Lineside sim on the adult continent Zindra. Here I carry the wears of many of the finest kinky content creators in Second Life. I will put a complete directory in a later post but here is a quick video tour.

In addition to the merchant's regular goods I have updaters for Marine Kelley's Real Restraint and Chorazin's Creations.

My quarter of a sim includes the store, an art gallery, an intimate club and several interesting play areas.

